Pearson + Projects is all about Real Life Renovations. And things just got a whole lot more real...
Alice’s younger sister and her husband (the rookies) have just purchased their first home which needs a full makeover. Just when Alice and Caleb are due to start their next renovation. There is an element of urgency with these renovations, the rookies need to renovate to a tight schedule to move into their house (and not pay a mortgage and rent) and the experts need their house on the market. Their renovations are similar, a cosmetic makeover - painting all the walls, new flooring, curtains and lighting. Their budgets are similar, TIGHT! They both get the keys to the houses on the same day… so why not race?
These homes are about to have a cost effective, fast cosmetic renovations from two very different angles, one a rental house to sell and the other a first home. Pearson + Projects will put their advice to the test – do their blogs and HOW TO videos do enough to help these rookies. And we are about to find out - does experience win out over youthfulness and enthusiasm…. we can’t wait to find out. Get your tools, ready, set, GO!
Alice and Caleb, both 31 years old have been renovating for a while, and after finishing their #relocatablereno, it was time to start all over again on the front house of their subdivision. They do property "for fun" while still managing day jobs, a young family and now - helping out the rookies with their reno. Known for working hard and being hands on, this renovation will demand that. Their project, a house that has been a rental property needs a full makeover before it goes on the market. If renovation work makes you game strong - these two are in top condition!
Daniel and Claire Ackermann, 26 and 24 years old who have just purchased their first home, a 2-bedroom brick unit in Mount Wellington. They have zero reno experience and a new house that needs A LOT of work. Their secret weapon will be their “friend and family labour”, as well as being passionate about seeing their first house transformed to home where they can live long term. From what they lack in experience, they will make up for in determination to beat the experts and their excitement of owning and renovating their own home, when even 6 months ago – that seemed like an impossible goal.
Meet the teams and their projects - plus the first stage of their reno plans.
Both teams start their projects, with two very different approaches.
The Rookies go bathroom shopping, get their wall ready for the plasterer and demo their bathroom. The experts plan their kitchen makeover and enjoy the progress of their hired painter.
Both teams start their projects, with two very different approaches.
The Reno Race is on - #theexperts are busted and the rookies aren't happy.